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                                                                    About Us

Our  History

The genesis of the English service can be traced to the visits of Rev John Ling to my clinic in 1993, when he would faithfully preach Christ and invite me to attend the Kemaman Presbyterian Church where he was the pastor. Because the church had only a Chinese service, I declined, as neither my wife nor I could speak or understand Mandarin. After much prayer, he decided to seek help from Rev Timothy Tow.

God answered his prayers. The first English service of the Kemaman Presbyterian Church was held on 1 Jul 94, inaugurated by Rev Timothy Tow. We had a worship service every Friday night. Other activities included weekly Bible studies for children and adults, gospel rallies and church camps.
On 30 Mar 98, Rev John Ling had to go to Singapore for heart treatment and he resigned from the Kemaman Presbyterian Church.


On 30 May 98 we had a congregational meeting to decide whether to be linked to Life Bible- Presbyterian Church or to the synod of the Malaysian Presbyterian Churches, which sought to bring us under their wing. The majority voted to remain with Life B-P Church because of our commitment to the separatist stand. As a result, on 12 Jun 98 we moved out to worship in a house church at 2346 Taman Bersekutu, Kemaman, together with some worshippers from the Chinese congregation. That group of Chinese speaking brethren became the pioneers of our Chinese congregation. The Chinese congregation was ministered by Rev Kim Kah Teck, who was the minister from Peace B-P Church, Kuantan.

In January 2000, we moved to our present address at 573 Jalan Che Teng, as we needed more room. This present building is a shop lot with ample space for church growth if the Lord wills. The Chinese congregation worships at 8pm every Friday at the same time as the English congregation which worships on the first floor. After the worship services the two congregations share the fellowship tea on the ground floor.


Four years later, on 27 May 04 we dissociated ourselves from Life B-P Church because of our commitment to the VPP doctrine. When we saw Rev Timothy Tow fighting for the VPP stand, we declared we were with him and we decided to be aligned to True Life B-P Church.
Today, we take this opportunity to thank Dr Jeffrey Khoo for his labour of love for arranging the preachers’ schedule, for many hours of prayers for our well-being in the Lord, for advice given to us, for sweet fellowship, for preaching here and teaching our youths in our weekly Bible study meetings and for more things that words cannot express. We also want to thank all the speakers who willingly labour to come to Kemaman to preach and to teach us. May the Lord prosper the work of their hands. It is indeed a long and narrow road to Kemaman. It is not easy to sit up almost all night in a cold bus to reach here. Indeed we are thankful. We are also thankful for the Board of Elders of True Life B-P Church for all assistance, love gifts and prayers for us. Indeed we are not alone in the battle for the lost.

Our Future

Our future is in God’s hand. We see a trend in which the English congregation is getting smaller and the Chinese congregation increasing. This trend is now seen even in our weekly Bible study meetings where we teach in English or Chinese. The Chinese group is twice as big. So our future preachers and evangelists must be equipped with the Chinese language. We are praying for a full-time pastor here who is fluent in Chinese. May the Lord supply all our needs as we labour on for the Lord.
Bible -Based
The word “Bible” precedes the word “Presbyterian”, denoting the church’s firm stance on the Word of God. The Bible alone is our supreme standard for all matters of faith and practice. It is from the Bible alone that we know who God is, and how we can serve Him and discern His will. Thus, we endeavour to ensure that everything the church does is thoroughly Bible-based. This will extend to all points of doctrine and teachings, including our practices and lifestyles.

As such, we uphold the Word of God as divinely inspired and perfectly preserved by God, down to every last jot and tittle as taught in holy writ, such that what we have in our hands today is the BIBLE, the Word of God, infallible and inerrant. We believe the Bible preserved by God is the Hebrew Masoretic Texts of the Old Testament and the Greek Textus Receptus of the New Testament underlying the King James Bible.

Therefore, we uphold the King James Bible to be the Word of God – the best, most faithful, most accurate, most beautiful translation of the Bible in the English language, and do employ it alone as our primary scriptural text, whether for public or private use.

The B-P Movement arose out of the modernist-fundamental controversies in the 1930s. Its founders took a stand against the liberal theologies in the mainline Presbyterian Church, and thus separated to form the B-P Church. To this day, we continue to earnestly contend for the faith, maintaining a firm stance on the fundamentals of the faith, which we will defend strongly against those who would preach or teach otherwise.
Biblical Separation

Every church has been given the divine mandate by God not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. We are to be a people called out and set apart from the world. Thus, we see biblical separation to be a defining distinctive of the B-P Church. Separation involves two main aspects:
1. Personal: We have been called as Christians to lead a holy life, consecrated unto God; to love not the world and the things of the world. Personal separation, thus, involves abstaining from all evil and all appearance of evil. We are to maintain a pure testimony, and to be transformed by the Word of God. This principle applies to our personal lives, and extends to our business and marriage.
2. Ecclesiastical: As a church, we must also be careful to maintain our effectiveness as a witness and testimony to the world. This is our defence in ensuring the purity and faith of the church. Therefore, we will associate ourselves, and have ecclesiastical relationships only, with like-minded brethren. We must separate ourselves from all forms of apostasy, unbelief, disobedience and compromise. More specifically, we must be wary of unbiblical movements rampant in Christendom today: the ecumenical, charismatic, neo-evangelical movements, and other false movements that contradict the Holy Scriptures and the historic Christian Faith.
Presbyterian Form of Government

The B-P Church holds on to a Presbyterian system of church government, whereby the church is ruled by the plurality of elders. These are to be the most spiritual men in the church who are chosen by the church and voted into office, thus forming the Board of Elders. This board would include the pastor(s), who is the moderator of the board, and a group of elders from the congregation. They have the duty of leading the church, tasked with spiritual responsibilities of protecting, feeding and nurturing the flock of God.

Forming the Session of the church together with the Board of Elders would be deacons; elected office-bearers who have a more administrative role in the church. Deacons ensure all things are run smoothly and in order. Ideally, at a higher level of church government, there should be a synod overseeing B-P churches. Sadly, since the dissolution of the B-P Synod in 1988, most B-P churches are now completely autonomous.

As Protestants and Presbyterians, we hold firmly to that which is known as the “Reformed Faith” –teachings that arose out of the 16th Century Reformation. The documents that we adhere to are the Westminster Standards that include the Westminster Confession of Faith, and the Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms. What we therefore promote is a very God-focused, Christ-centred and Bible-based theology, where it is by grace alone, through faith alone, that man can be saved. Thus, we are covenantal in our understanding of the Bible, not dispensational; we are Calvinistic in understanding salvation, not Arminian.
Pro -Israel Pre -millennialism

A simple, consistent, literal interpretation of the Bible would naturally lead one to a pro-Israel, Pre-millennial view of prophecy, as opposed to views of the Historic Premillennialists, Post-millennialists and A-millennialists. What this means is that we believe that the promises given to Israel in the Old Testament hold today. These promises belong to Israel and have not been reassigned to the church. God has not entirely cast away His chosen nation of Israel, but has a specific plan for them at Jesus’ Second Coming.

At the Second Coming of Christ, all the dead in Christ and the believers who are alive will be raptured. That will trigger a period of seven years commonly called The Great Tribulation. During this period, many Jews will come to believe in Christ, as denoted by the 144,000 witnesses mentioned in Revelation. At the end of the seven years, the Lord Jesus Christ will descend with the saints for the final Battle of Armageddon, where Satan will be defeated and cast into the bottomless pit. The world will then enter into a literal 1,000 year period of the Millennium, with Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords. He will restore Israel to greatness, rule the whole world from His throne in Jerusalem, and bring peace to all nations.
Conservative Worship

Our style of worship can be described as traditional or conventional, emphasizing the need for reverence and respect, worshipping the Lord in the beauty of holiness. We reject modern practices of introducing contemporary music with drums and bands into our worship as a means to “attract the crowd” or liven the worship, which is often sensual, fleshly and panders to the wants of man. Instead, worship ought to be reverential and orderly, maintaining the sanctity of worship before our thrice holy God. The focus must not be man but God alone!
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